Brazilian Fashion store C&A Shows Real-Time Facebook ‘Likes’ On Clothing Hangers

Any store or brand that tries to bridge the gap between the real and online world deserves some kind of recognition for their efforts, irrespective of whether they succeed or not. While there has been a number of attempts to do this, brands are still looking for a way to successfully integrate the two worlds together. Which is why this campaign from Brazilian fashion retailer C&A is a breath of fresh air and takes a step towards giving a Facebook ‘like’ a proper value. C&A came up with a way to transfer ‘likes’ into a real world scenario with a new initiative called “Fashion Like”. Through this, the brand posted photos of a selection of items it’s selling on a dedicated Facebook page, where it invited customers to ‘like’ the ones that appealed to them. The brilliant part about this is that in their stores, the number of likes each item got is displayed in real-time, giving customers a good idea as to how popular an item is (online at least).

Portuguese : C & A surgiu com uma forma de transferir “gosta” em um cenário do mundo realcom uma nova iniciativa chamada “Fashion Like”. Com isso, a marca postou fotos de uma seleção de itens que ele está vendendo em uma página deFacebook dedicado, onde convidou os clientes a “como” os que recorreram a eles. A parte brilhante sobre isso é que em suas lojas, o número de cada itemficou gosta é exibido em tempo real, dando aos clientes uma boa idéia de comopopular um item é (on-line pelo menos).

1 thought on “Brazilian Fashion store C&A Shows Real-Time Facebook ‘Likes’ On Clothing Hangers

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